Use of mentors in the social field
Mentors can support you grow by giving you resources and advice when you need it most. Learn why it’s important to work with mentors in the social field and how to use the experience for your professional growth.
During 2020, each project partner has organized national consultation workshops with selected stakeholders – employees, employers and decision-makers. The aim of these consultations was to gather inputs from different perspectives regarding the future challenges and skills needs in social field for the 2030 horizon.
The results were then subjected to a Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) which resulted in a list of 55 competencies that can be found in the research report.
These competencies were discussed in the context of two Future Conferences held in June 2021 and in October 2021, each hosting participants from Austria, Denmark, Italy and Romania. The aim was to foster discussions around the relevant skills for the future and around how can social organizations better develop, catalyze, maintain an environment suited for such future skills.
Main output in this process is the Inventory of Future Skills.
Mentors can support you grow by giving you resources and advice when you need it most. Learn why it’s important to work with mentors in the social field and how to use the experience for your professional growth.
What makes one change? What about an entire sector? Learn about the drivers of change in the social field from the video below by Diana Stafie, foresight strategist and founder of Future Station
There are lots of challenges and trends that affect the social field, including economical, social and political factors. Learn more about them and get ready for the future.
Over 170 professionals participated in the first phase of the FOCUS project. During the national consultations, specialists from four countries, Austria, Denmark, Italy and Romania, came up with a list of trends, challenges and skills that one should develop to prepare for the future....
Resilience is a concept increasingly prevalent in a world marked by uncertainty and risks to public health, but also a key competence that we have identified in the FOCUS project. What does resilience mean for social workers? Bernhard Drumel, CEO of Concordia International, presents...
Who would answer the question “Would you like a crisis in your organization?” with a “Yes!”? Most likely, no one, but Cornelia Burtscher, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development Concordia International, comes to us with an interesting...
Systemic management is a key competence identified by social specialists from the four partner countries of the FOCUS project. Werner Kerschbaum, former Secretary General of the Austrian Red Cross, shares with us the principles underlying systemic management, as well as advice on the...
Promoting intercultural understanding is an important and complex topic that has ramifications for the career and vocational education. Globalization and multiculturalism are becoming essential components of our life and work environments. Most communities and workplaces are now...
Building communities, being able to understand what happens in the environment and with the stakeholders and gathering them together around one common goal is an essential competence for the future of social work. Learn more about building communities from the video.
Read the complete foresight report about the skills that social field professionals should develop to remain relevant in the future (2030).
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
IBM și-a propus să creeze o nouă forță de muncă de natură digitală. Aceşti asistenţi digitali sunt capabili să opereze independent o mare parte a proceselor curente și funcționează în perfectă armonie cu colegii lor umani. În furnizarea serviciilor sociale, în special, asistenţii digitali pot oferi sprijinul esențial necesar pentru acoperirea acelor sarcini considerate de cele mai multe ori birocratice și rutiniere, permițând profesioniștilor să dedice mai mult atenție evaluării cazurilor, mai multă energie deciziilor critice și mai mult timp momentelor de empatie cu cei aflați în nevoie..
Lucrătorii din domeniul sănătății comunitare au la dispoziție Medic Mobile, o platformă de software și tehnologie mobilă creată pentru a servi în primul rând prima linie a sănătății la nivel comunitar şi în special, mediul rural. Medic Mobile combină mesageria prin SMS, colectarea datelor și a informațiilor analitice utilizate de lucrătorii din domeniul sănătății din zone greu accesibile cu sau fără conectivitate la internet cu asigurarea conectării la sistemele de sănătate. Astfel de aplicații pot oferi un ajutor extrem de util pentru profesioniști, furnizându-le acestora accesul la liste de verificare, protocoale și alte instrumente și informații cu caracter vital.
Urbanization is at a fast pace too. A survey done prior to the pandemic assessed that around 180.000 ppl move to cities globally in one day.
Recent studies show increased polarization and individualism. This forecast from the CIFS shows that we could soon consider a senior / elder person somebody above 90, that could impact retirement age threshold, leading to more older adults in the workplace.
The issues associated with an ageing population pose substantial challenges for governments globally. Social workers are well suited to respond to the challenges of this demographic change. However, are there enough skilled social workers for this?
Source: CIFSRecent studies show increased polarization and individualism. This forecast from the CIFS shows that we could soon consider a senior / elder person somebody above 90, that could impact retirement age threshold, leading to more older adults in the workplace.
The issues associated with an ageing population pose substantial challenges for governments globally. Social workers are well suited to respond to the challenges of this demographic change. However, are there enough skilled social workers for this?
Source: CIFSIn January 2019, the NGO Oxfam and the Spanish data company Domestic Data Streamers launched El Privilegio de Decidir, a campaign aimed at raising awareness on the direct impact of inequality in daily life. The online interactive experience has a ruler that measures a user's personal level of privilege. After answering the questions, he can sign a petition calling on the government to include measures to combat inequality.
In January 2019, the NGO Oxfam and the Spanish data company Domestic Data Streamers launched El Privilegio de Decidir, a campaign aimed at raising awareness on the direct impact of inequality in daily life. The online interactive experience has a ruler that measures a user's personal level of privilege. After answering the questions, he can sign a petition calling on the government to include measures to combat inequality.
SourceSercotec from Chile is a public service organization, which launched in May 2019 a program promoting entrepreneurship among people over 60 years of age. The organization provides access to a hedge fund of over $ 100,000 to help seniors start a new business. It also provides additional support and budget for business management, investment, marketing and training.
SourceSercotec from Chile is a public service organization, which launched in May 2019 a program promoting entrepreneurship among people over 60 years of age. The organization provides access to a hedge fund of over $ 100,000 to help seniors start a new business. It also provides additional support and budget for business management, investment, marketing and training. Source
IBM aims to create a new digital workforce. These digital assistants are able to operate a large part of the current processes independently and work in perfect harmony with their human colleagues.
In providing social services, in particular, digital assistants can provide the essential support needed to cover those tasks that are often considered bureaucratic and routine, allowing professionals to devote more attention to case assessment, more energy to critical decisions and more time to empathize with those in need ..
Community health workers have at their disposal Medic Mobile, a mobile software and technology platform created to serve primarily the forefront of health at Community level and in particular in rural areas. Medic Mobile combines SMS messaging, data collection and analytical information used by healthcare workers in hard-to-reach areas with or without internet connectivity with ensuring connection to healthcare systems. Such applications can provide extremely useful help for professionals by providing them with access to checklists, protocols and other vital tools and information.
Community health workers have at their disposal Medic Mobile, a mobile software and technology platform created to serve primarily the forefront of health at Community level and in particular in rural areas. Medic Mobile combines SMS messaging, data collection and analytical information used by healthcare workers in hard-to-reach areas with or without internet connectivity with ensuring connection to healthcare systems. Such applications can provide extremely useful help for professionals by providing them with access to checklists, protocols and other vital tools and information.